Entries in Announcements (30)


I'm no Angel

A programming note... I'm taking today off to take Henry to game 3 of the World Series. Henry plays for the Angels in Little League, so he'll be rooting for the Angels. But as a concession to me he'll be wearing a Giants warm-up jacket to offset his Angels cap. I'll post pictures if we don't get beat up. I'll be back on the show tomorrow.

World Series ducats

Go Giants!

Second Printing

In one week my book will go into its second printing. That's a good thing; it means we've sold out the first printing of 50,000 copies. It also means I can correct any typos or errors in the first edition. Laura and I have been going through it, and we've found some errors. If you've found any yourself, please let me know. Send me an email or add a comment to this blog entry. No error is too small to ignore - I want to make the second edition perfect! I'll send a Leoville mug and t-shirt to the person who finds the most errors. Thanks for your help!


The Screen Savers own Yoshi has started a message board focusing on hardware hacking. It's really great! Check it out at yoshi.us/forums

Moving to Typepad

You may notice a new look for the blog today. I've migrated from Movable Type hosted on leoville.com to TypePad, a Movable Type based program hosted at typepad.com. TypePad offers me all sorts of additional features including the bookshelf at right and photo blogs. I'll be moving the mobile phone blog over here as soon as they figure out how to support Sprint PCS phones. The direct url for the blog is http://leo.typepad.com, or click the Blog link anywhere in Leoville. The RSS link has changed, too. Please update your aggregator to point to http://leo.typepad.com/tsn/index.rdf.

Ping-Pong, Pathos, and Passing the Bar

My buddy Alex Wellen's book, Barman, is out, and it's a peach. Sexy, funny, and a great read.
Barman, the book
Alex will be doing a reading at Cody's on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, 7:30 tonight. I'm going to have to miss that one, but Megan and I plan to attend his reading Wednesday at 7:00p at Book Passage in Corte Madera. See you there?