I Was This Close
Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 8:55AM
I came so close to unlocking my iPhone this morning, but I just couldn't pull the trigger.
Shooby has unlocked his using iUnlock - the free unlocker from Harro Inc. the iPhone Dev Team. That's a picture from his phone showing T-Mobile as a carrier - he posted the news on Pownce.
I got as far as running iFuntastic on the phone (Windows users should try the scarily named, iBrickr) but it didn't quite finish completely, and I just don't have the nerve to run iUnlock on it now.
It would be great to cancel this AT&T account (instead of cancelling my dormant T-Mobile account), but it would be even better to show an unlocked phone to the perennially skeptical Scott Bourne.
Maybe I'll get up the nerve later today.
Leoville | 19 Comments |
tagged Gear, Hacking, Technology in Blog