
Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-10-15

  • Wow - Keith Olberman was on fire tonight. Rightly so. #
  • @randulo I should be. But I'm not. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-10-14

  • Not going to the Apple Event today. They're not allowing me to bring a camera, inside or out, so there's no point. Post coverage at 11a PST. #
  • @Izzard Yes you can. Use FStream or Tuner Internet Radio on your iPhone and tune in #
  • @Underseen Great tip - I'll make it my pick on MacBreak Weekly today - with credit to you. Thanks! #
  • @Izzard By the way, don't click that link in a browser. It's an Icecast stream and requires Winamp, iTunes, FStream or the like to play. #
  • We'll be doing MacBreak Weekly at our usual time, 11a Pacific/2p Eastern/1800 UTC, with coverage of Apple's announcements. #
  • @digitalkitty that wasn't me - it was Scott Bourne #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-10-13

  • A TWiT Special for you: the new Audible Spec Fi book, MetaTropolis, read by BSG's Michael Hogan, free from #
  • We're sending Abby a care package to France with Best Foods mayonaisse and Orowheat Wheat Berry bread. Hey, it's what she wanted! #
  • This is exciting. Downloading Open Office 3 - now native for Macintosh. #
  • Visiting day today at the TWiT Cottage. The Wood Whisperer and Cali Lewis will stop by after 3p Pacific. #
  • @socialmedian Well done, #jasongoldberg. I think you have the potential to become my #1 choice for news browsing. So... #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-10-10


Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-10-05

  • I woke up this morning and pcntl was magically working. Four of my six Laconica daemons are forking. Only #OMB and #SMS are still stuck. #
  • @randulo What's going on with Talkshoe? I need a Talkshoe-like service for video calls to TWiT Live. #
  • Timebot will return when #XMPP returns. Soon! #
  • Loving #LaTwit for the #iPhone. Thanks @mac65! #
  • Tonight on this WEEK in TECH: John C. Dvorak, Patrick Norton, and Veronica Belmont. Then: In the Aftermath of Bearhug with Steve Gillmor. #
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