I'm a little bit hoarse today. Through a weird set of events I managed to see baseball's
second most hallowed record broken, twice, on Friday night.
I had tickets to the September 14 Giants-Dodgers game but had to give them up because I was going to do an appearance in VA that weekend. Then Sept 11 happened. My trip was cancelled. And, as it turned out, so was the game. The Giants rescheduled for October 4.
Fortunately, the buddy I gave the tickets to was willing to bring me (the guy he had asked for the 9/14 game, another close friend, couldn't go to the makeup - whew!). So, Friday, we got to see one of the most exciting baseball games I've ever seen. And I've seen a few. When I was working at KNBR, the Giants flagship radio station (1987-1994), I was president of the Giants Fan Club. I'd witnessed the 1989 Pennant winning season up close. I was at Candlestick Park for the World Series game that was interrupted by the earthquake. There were some amazing games that year, but nothing comes close to Friday.
The pennant above went on sale at the park immediately after Barry launched number 71 in the first inning. I asked the guy if he had pennants with 72, 73, and 74 under the counter, but he said no. I didn't realize that I'd be seeing 72 just a few innings later.
I've interviewed Barry a few times, including at Comdex in 1998 for TechTV, and he's not easy to talk to. But I credit him for being true to himself. And you have to recognize what an amazing athlete he is. All year long I've been amazed by the speed of his swing. The ball just jumps off his bat.
The Giants' season is over. But I'll be back in my seat in Section 108 at Pac Bell Park in April. I can't wait.
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