A Moveable Beast
Friday, December 31, 1999 at 5:01PM
Just a quick note via verrrrrry slow dialup to say we're all moved in. It was a bit of a nightmare - the movers took 15 hours and two trips - but we're here. The house is jammed with boxes and I've been doing everything from unpacking and breaking down boxes, to putting in smoke detectors, and a new mailbox. The cordless drill is sure getting a workout. I also set up my hammock under a shade tree. I hear it calling me.
We've had non-stop service calls from the water guy (UV filtering), the gate guy (I'm looking at a circle-L design), the drip irrigation guy, and, oh yes, the cable guys who came to burst my bubble. I'd have to dig quite a trench to get a cable drop in here and the cost is prohibitive. So I've signed up for DSL and may the saints protect me. I have dial-up access for the time being. I should get the DSL kit in a week or so. I'll put up the spycam then. If I can get it all working.
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