Burn the Candle, Baby

I had a great, but exhausting, time in Chicago. I spent all day Monday and Tuesday teaching cable executives how to burn their own CDs. They were VERY interested. I hope it inspires some of them to put TechTV on their systems!
The hotel did not, as it turns out, have high speed Internet access, so I was blog and boardless for two days. Probably not a bad thing.
I will be off tomorrow (Friday). Patrick is taping segments for a Screen Savers video cassette we're doing. I do have to work tomorrow, though. Just not on TV. I'm on a panel on Media Product Reviews at the Techmart in Santa Clara. I have to be there by 8:30a, so I have to leave home about 5:30 or 6a. -gack-
Then Saturday the car comes at 4a to pick up the kids and me to fly to Providence. I'm dropping them off there then flying to Philly on one of those scary puddle jumpers for the speech on Sunday. Then it's back to Providence to spend time with my mom and my sister and her new baby. I'll be back on The Screen Savers on Monday, June 25.
Speaking of the speech on Sunday, the room only holds 300-400 people and we've registered more than 800. They've closed registration, but I'm hoping we can figure out a way to accomodate more people. They're telling people to go ahead and show up at the door on Sunday. I'd bet that's because many people who register don't attend. I promise I'll do my best to talk with everybody, even if we have to meet in the parking lot!
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