Can't we all just get along

I'm making matzoh ball soup this morning for a Passover seder we're going to tonight while Abby is decorating Easter eggs for next week. We're a pretty ecumenical household.
Meanwhile I read about Linus Torvalds trashing the Mach kernel in OS X in his new book. It's perfectly appropriate for Linus to criticize Mach on its technical merits. It's a shame when the media promotes it as platform bashing. (Maybe that was Linus's intent, maybe not.)
Whether it's in religious beliefs or platform preferences, diversity is vital. I believe our differences are what make us interesting. It's our common experience that makes us human. Whether it's Christian or Jewish, Mac or Windows (or Linux or Mach), we need each other to survive. Anything else is just an invitation to division, strife, and ultimately, failure.
Sure it's fun to root for your side, but if the other team doesn't show up, you can't play the game.
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