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Desktop Blogging Software

I'm doing a segment tonight on The Screen Savers on the easy way to publish your blog. Thanks to Blogger and Userland Frontier, there's a standard way for third-party programs to interact with your blog, making it possible to publish and edit your blog from any wired computer without using the browser interface. The web services piece is called XML-RPC and was developed by Userland in 1999. Blogger created a standard blog API for XML-RPC which it and many blogging programs support, including the program I use, Movable Type. For example, I'm posting this entry from a desktop tool for Mac OS X named Kung-Log. The program works with Movable Type- and Nucleus-based blogs. Kung-Log offers all sorts of additional features inculding image uploads, customizable shortcuts for HTML tags I use a lot, local drafts, support for inserting the iTunes track now playing, email notifications (over and above those offered by Movable Type), and local previews so I can make sure my entry will look like it's supposed to. Kung-Log was written in Cocoa by Adriaan Tijsseling (no I won't try to say that on TV) and is donation-ware. Send him money - he deserves it. On the Windows side I use an equally useful program called w.bloggar. Written in Visual Basic by Marcelo L. L. Cabral, w.bloggar supports Blogger, b2, MovableType, Nucleus, BigBlogTool , BlogWorks XML, Blogalia, and Drupal blogs. Basically anything that uses the Blogger API. It's a dynamite program that does everything Kung-Log does and more. It's free, too. What desktop blogging tool do you use? And would you read a blog by Patrick Norton? Post your comments here!

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