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I Glasses

Happy St. Patrick's Day! A number of people commented on the fact that I was wearing eyeglasses in the spy cam picture. I wear contact lenses during the day. I've worn glasses since I was in fourth grade. I am extremely near sighted - blind without the contacts - and now as I age I'm getting far sighted too. The contacts are monofocal, but I have trifocal glasses and I've been wearing them more and more at home for reading and computing. It's much easier than trying to strain to read without them. I suppose in a few years I'll have to wear reading glasses with my contacts. -sigh- Unfortunately, Abby has inherited my eyes. She had strabismus - a lazy inward turning eye - which we corrected when she was three with a patch. She wears glasses for farsightedness now. Her eye no longer turns in unless she's really tired and not wearing her glasses. I had the same problem when I was a kid. It was undetected until much later, however. I remember in sixth or seventh grade the eye doctor telling my mom it would take surgery to correct it. It doesn't really matter, he said, it's not like he's going to be in TV or the movies. Seemed like a pretty long shot I suppose, although I remember resenting the comment so I must have had some idea even back then. As you've probably noticed, my eyes still cross a little, especially when I'm tired or the camera is too close. I guess I'll never make it in the movies! At least Abby still has a chance.

Reader Comments (3)

can any one tell me here can we get vision therapy

May 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterradhika

can any one tell me where can we get vision therapy

May 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterradhika

Hi Leo,

I saw some of your pictures on TWIT and suspected the strabismus. I had the same affliction and it was not diagnosed until it was too late. Luckily my other eye is 20/20. I like you have them cross a little when I am tired or the camera is too close (I've never heard anyone esle articluate the same scenarios that cause my eyes to strain). I think we both suffered from eyes not crossed enough to be noticed by our parents. Funny thing is this is a small group of people who have this issue like us — the barely noticable cross eye thing. Glad to see it hasn't slowed you down.

I listen every week and really should consider a recurring payment for your generous efforts.


May 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon Charlton

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