I'm Whacking

Peter Pan opened last night and went very well. I'm always nervous watching productions of Peter Pan - so many things can go wrong.
Peter did get a little caught up in the rigging last night, and the rope yanked her off the bed once, and she almost hit the headboard another time, but it was otherwise blissfully uneventful.
There are two casts for this community theater production. Abby plays a Lost Boy in both and plays Jane (the grown Wendy Darling's daughter for whom Peter comes in the last scene of the play) in Cast B. Cast B opens tonight! Abby has a sore throat so we kept her home from school today. I'm going to make her some chicken soup for lunch. I'm sure she'll be ok by curtain time.
I brought my iBook to the theater last night and worked on the Almanac right up to show time. I'll be working all day today. My schedule has settled into a nice rhythm. I work out in the morning, spend a little time in Leoville, then write til 11. Do an hour of weed whacking. (I bought a wicked little blade for the weed whacker that slices right through the suckers) then write for the rest of the afternoon. I could get used to this schedule!
Just to prove to the doubters that I actually am working I've been turning on the spycam and ibook cam in the afternoon. You can watch the sausage being made - and it ain't pretty.
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