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iPodder iSsues

If you use iPodder to subscribe to my podcast audio, there is a bug in the program which will cause it to fail to download anything new (with an error 301). iPodder users should use the following URLs until the program is fixed: KFI-> http://feeds.feedburner.com/kfi TLR -> http://feeds.feedburner.com/tlr In the long run it's better to point to the shortcut URLs, http://leoville.tv/podcasts/kfi and http://leoville.tv/podcasts/tlr since these are always guaranteed to point to the right place (in case I stop using Feedburner, for instance), but for now this workaround will do the trick. As far as I know none of the other podcast programs have this problem. I currently recommend iPodderX for the Macintosh, and Doppler for Windows. UPDATE: Thanks to Eric from Feedburner (read the comments) I've been able to fix the issue, so you shouldn't have to change your URLs. Apparently I should have made the redirects TEMP instead of PERMANENT. Who knew? This computer stuff is so complicated!

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