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Jabber Jabber Jabber

JabberfoxIt worked! I was able to chat this evening in The Screen Saver chat room using Mac OS X and the JabberFox jabber client. It's a lot nicer, frankly, to use a Jabber client than the Java stuff. I can control the look and feel better, and it doesn't take over my screen. Thanks to Grady Joslin who sent me these VERY complete instructions: Heya Leo, This is Grady Joslin, one of the chat hosts. Cindy Wakeman told me you're having problems in logging into to the chat during chat hours using OSX. I have used a few of them and found ways into getting into chat using PSI client and JabberFox. Here is what I did to get into chat. After a lot of trial and error, strangely, this seems to work. First for both, I'd logged into chat via Java. I don't know why but it sort of initializes the client access. PSI Go to account set up by clicking the (I U tuning fork looking symbol) Account Setup. Click Add. Here is what I put in mine. Name: TechTv ChatHost: cgi.techtv.com Port: 5223 Use SSL encryption (unchecked) Username: usernamehere Password: password Saved Password (checked) Use plaintext login (checked) Manually specify Jabber host (unchecked) Resource: Psi Priority: 1 I didn't touch the proxy, nor the details tab, and in Preferences tab I left Automatically connect on startup and reconnected untouched. I also left Log message history and Keep alive packets checked. And Ignore SSL warnings unchecked. Now here is the strange part. After you click okay to this. The port sometimes goes back to 5222, so go back and make sure its 5223.Then it should connect. JabberFox This one is a little easier.When the login pane comes up. I inputted username and password, then checked "Remember password." For Resource: JabberFox Server: cgi.techtv.com:5223 Use SSL (unchecked) This should work when you connect. Cya in chat. - Grady Joslin TechTV Chat Host. Thanks, Grady! Similar settings should work for Windows and Linux Jabber clients.

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