Meet Me in St. Louis
Friday, December 31, 1999 at 5:01PM
The car is coming for me at six tomorrow morning and it's off to St. Louis. Paul Block, Screen Savers Executive Producer, and I are leaving Friday so we can schmooze with the cable execs at a Cardinals-Reds game at Busch Stadium Friday night. I'm so stoked to be able to add another ballpark to my collection. Patrick (who is not a baseball or schmooze fan) will stick around to do the show then fly out on a red-eye.
Just as long as he gets to Missouri in time to take me to the Steak 'n' Shake for breakfast.
Don't tell Jennifer, but there's been big flooding in the area all week. The Mississippi river crested yesterday at its highest point since 1927! The current weather report calls for sunny skies for our appearance at the Ballwin CompUSA Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing so many of you there.
We had around 800 people show up last time, so get there early. We're leaving right at 1p to catch a flight back to the Bay Area and won't have any time to meet stragglers. This is the first time Paul's been to a Screen Savers appearance, and he's anxious to talk with as many real viewers about the show as possible. Tell him what you like, and don't like. It's your best chance to influence the show.
See you in St. Louis!
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