Moving Day
Friday, December 31, 1999 at 5:01PM
OK, I've moved the blog over to the new software, Movable Type. I was able to import all the previous entries through May. Still working on the rest. (UPDATE: got everything imported, including the original Blogger entries - all the the entries from the beginning are now in here. NICE!)
There are some differences. The main thing we're losing is the voting on each entry. It's fun, but it's not something I'll die without.
We gain a bunch more. Most importantly, I hope, more reliable and secure software. There are some other very nice features, including an improved user interface. I'll be tweaking it over time. The biggest problem so far is that if your page is too narrow you lose the stuff in the gutter to the right (widen the window if you don't see my picture to the right of this text). I'm going to tweak the templates to get them to fit Leoville's dull but functional design better.
Comments are still enabled. I hope you'll pass along your suggestions. Thanks for your patience during the transition.
Incidentally, the old Greymatter blog files will stick around indefinitely, so if you linked to them, the links will still work. I will remove the Greymatter software, however, since it poses a security risk.
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