Music Wars
Friday, December 31, 1999 at 5:01PM
Friday, September 12, on TechTV we're devoting two and a half hours to the music industry and file sharing. The special, called Music Wars, will begin after the Screen Savers at 8p Eastern with an hour long documentary on the RIAA, record companies, and file sharing, and then Michaela and I will host a live ninety minute Town Hall from 9-10:30p Eastern featuring your calls plus guests from the RIAA, EFF, record labels, recording artists, ethicists, and real people who are being sued, who download music, and who refuse to download music.
Scheduled guests include:
- John Perry Barlow, EFF
- Ted Cohen, Director New Media, EMI Records
- Jeremy Wertz, VP New Media, Maverick Records
- Chuck D, artist
- Ira Dean, member of Trick Pony, artist
- Sean Ryan, Rhapsody
- Derek Broes, Altnet
- Michael Weiss, Morpheus
- and many more
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