New Year's News

- We didn't need the usual leap second last night. Seems the Earth's rotation is no longer slowing, so there's no need to adjust the length of the year. As usual, scientists are baffled.
- That's Sir Tim Berners-Lee to you. The creator of the World Wide Web was on the Queen's New Year's Honors List and is now a knight or something.
- Sun has dumped the Cobalt line, just three years after paying $2 billion for the little blue server company. Kind of a shame, they were great boxes, but apparently most people just built their own. Sun will continue to support current owners for three more years.
- Jon Johansen, creator of DeCSS, the DVD decryption program, is off the hook. Last week a Norwegian appeals court cleared Johansen of all charges.
- AOL has released a list of the Top 10 Spam Subject Lines. And the winner is... "Viagra online." Other winners include "Get out of debt," "Get bigger," and the ever popular "As seen on oprah."
- As long as we're talking lists, Yahoo! has released its top 10 searches of 2003. "Kazaa" is #1, "Harry Potter" #2. Google annual year-end Zeitgeist says "Britney Spears" was #1. The #1 brand search was Ferarri.
