Paul Blog

The Executive Producer of a TV show is the man in charge. He determines the direction and style of the show and manages the staff. For a long time The Screen Savers didn't even have an EP. But for the past year we've been very fortunate to have Paul Block in charge. He's a TV veteran who worked for everyone from Johnny Carson to George Hamilton. And he is one of the few people I'd trust with my show.
We work very well together. While I'm totally oriented toward the geek, he's a very positive influence to making the show more accessible to everyone. Under his command we've more than quadrupled our audience. And I Paul and I both intend to take TSS to the top.
And now I've convinced Paul to start his own blog! I'm hosting it here on Leoville. I expect Paul will use it to share his thinking about the show with you and to give you a chance to give him feedback. We're both really excited about the possibilites and I know you will come to like and respect Paul as much as I do. Make sure to ask him about his past - he's got some great stories.
So please bookmark Paul Blog and visit regularly. I have a feeling it's going to be a really fun place to visit.