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Polaroid and PMA

PMA Polaroid VideoHere's another video from PMA and DigitalCameraInfo.com. In this one I play with one of five remaining 20x24 Polaroid cameras. It was amazing!

Reader Comments (1)

For about 15 years, after Ansel Adams introduced me to the company, I was one of Polaroid's principal freelance commercial photographers in NYC. Andy Warhol and I used the 20x24 fairly often; he for art, me for fashion. The film was roughly $40 per snap, peel apart in 60 seconds (no waving in the air) and in about 500 shots I'm proud of never having had a bad exposure. The extraordinary amount of strobe lighting it required to have enough depth of field for "spontaneous" fashion portraits caused the lights to dim in my entire 6-story NYC studio loft building. Andy & I were going to do a book, but he died a few weeks after I did his last portrait. American Photographer did a cover story on my use of unique Polaroid films. I'm now finishing my book, "Real Views" on how to improve your snapshotting through visual self-awareness.

February 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdohop

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