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Stow The Duct Tape

Nuclear WarningKuro5hin is re-publishing an article that appeared a couple of years back on the urban legend debunking site Snopes.com. The article explains the actual dangers of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. The threat, while real, is apparently vastly overstated. It's an excellent antidote to media fear-mongering. It also contains valuable advice about what to do if you do get caught downwind. He says, "if you remain calm you will probably not die." Snopes also links to a 2001 piece from the Washington Post about the retired Army Sergeant who wrote the article.

Reader Comments (1)

I have been taking this drug for a few months now. I had a severe accident at work so I have severe nerve pain and found that taking ambien helps me sleep at night, but it does sometimes like others have said make me forget what I did after I took it but I have lots of energy the next morning.

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterambien

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