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Those Curtains Have to Go!

Well I couldn't resist and spent the last two days redesigning the Blog. I manhandled the elegant little templates Movable Type comes with until they looked just like the old blog. The voting has disappeared, but it's nicer in other ways. The archives link is back at the bottom, with month by month and day by day views. I'd like to pretty that up when I get a chance. The calendar feature in the next version of MT should do the trick. I've added single entry view that has a back and next button, so you can go entry by entry reading my original post and the comments that followed. Get there by clicking any post's title or the Comments link. I am also categorizing the entries now. I'll archive by category at some point, as well. For now, there are no categories for the old Greymatter and Blogger posts. I just lumped them all in the 2001 category. At some point I'll categorize them, too. There's an e-mail notification feature, too, but I can't figure out how to make it available to you on the page. It's not documented anywhere, but as soon as I can I'll make it possible for you to receive either new posts in their entirety or an e-mail notification. As usual, I welcome any input or requests. Thanks for your patience during the transition. Now I know what vacations are for. Viva Movable Type!

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