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Thursday's Thigh-high

All the news that's fit to rant about It's Space Day. I'm at the new Air and Space Museum in Washington DC celebrating with Patrick, Prager, and John Glenn. The airship Hindenburg exploded into flames on this day in 1937. Roger Bannister cracked the four minute mile in 1954.
  1. According to the Anaheim California poilce, a widely circulated email warning drivers not to signal cars that have their headlights off, lest they become the victim of a violent rite of passage among gangs, is a hoax. Police say that even though the email appears to come from the department's gang unit, it's a "suburban legend."
  2. Guess I was on the wrong plane yesterday. Sheryl Crow performed hits in the aisle of a United flight from Chicago to LA to help launch Sony's new music store.
  3. They're getting into the business just at the right time. Apple sold a record 3.3 million songs last week - a new record for online music stores.
  4. TechTV laid off 285 workers today in the wake of its acquisition by G4, a subsidiary of Comast. Read the details in my story below.

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