Thursday's Thigh-high

- According to the Anaheim California poilce, a widely circulated email warning drivers not to signal cars that have their headlights off, lest they become the victim of a violent rite of passage among gangs, is a hoax. Police say that even though the email appears to come from the department's gang unit, it's a "suburban legend."
- Guess I was on the wrong plane yesterday. Sheryl Crow performed hits in the aisle of a United flight from Chicago to LA to help launch Sony's new music store.
- They're getting into the business just at the right time. Apple sold a record 3.3 million songs last week - a new record for online music stores.
- TechTV laid off 285 workers today in the wake of its acquisition by G4, a subsidiary of Comast. Read the details in my story below.

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