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Tuesday's Title Bout

All the news that's fit to rant about News is next. It's Super Tuesday. I've voted. Have you? NASA is holding a press conference today at 2p Eastern to announce "significant findings." Water on Mars? Jimmy Hoffa's remains? Stay tuned for details. Pioneer 10 was launched on this day in 1972. It's still headed out in the direction of Taurus bearing its plaque designed by Carl Sagan to announce our presence to the rest of the universe.
  1. SCO's gearing up to sue its first Linux end-user tomorrow, according to CEO Darl McBride. The victim will be a well-known Fortune 1000 company. Open-source advocate Bruce Perens says "SCO can confuse as many people as they want. They're still going to eventually go out of business. They can't win these suits." At least one company has paid up rather than face a lawsuit, frivolous or not. Web hosting company EV1Servers.Net says "Our current and future users now enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that their websites and data are hosted on a SCO IP compliant platform." Someone hand me a shovel.
  2. Thomson, owners of the MP3 format, have announced a new version with digital rights management built-in. Don't they understand that the only reason users prefer MP3 is its lack of copy protection? Maybe they don't care what users prefer.
  3. Survey says, number portability is working, and it's getting easier to change cell carriers.

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