Upcoming Appearances

Happy Holidays, everyone!
I'll be on the Allan Handelman show for half an hour tonight at 10:30p Eastern time. Listen on one of his many stations or on his web site at
I'm doing the Ronn Owens Show on KGO, 810 AM in San Francisco, Friday, January 3 at 10am.
We're heading to Las Vegas to cover CES January 9-11. I'll be signing autographs in the Grand Lobby of the Las Vegas Convention Center from 4-5p on Thursday, January 9,and from 3-5p on Saturday, January 11. Cat, Morgan, and Patrick will be there, too, at various times. We'll also be doing live show feeds for The Screen Savers, Friday, January 10, at 4p Pacific. You don't need admission to CES to visit us, so stop on by. You know how we love a live audience!
Meanwhile, I've been doing some Tivo hacking during my vacation, with some interesting (and ultimately disappointing) results. I'll do a full write up in the next couple of days. We're celebrating Christmas at home then Jennifer is taking the kids to her folks for a few days. That should give me some time to work on the Tivo more seriously. The goal is to be able to get my Sopranos episodes onto DVD as a fully digital copy. If I can get it to work, and I can get the lawyers to say OK, I'll demo it on TSS in the new year.
Appearances in

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