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We Love LA!

thumbnail imageThanks to everyone who came out to Cerritos Saturday afternoon. I was really surprised and gratified by the turnout. Frankly I didn't know what to expect. But about 200 people showed up and I signed autographs and chatted with everyone for four hours (we closed the place up). As you can see, I wore one of my old TechTV shirts and I'm glad I did. So many of you shared your fond memories of TechTV. It made me sad for the good old days. It seemed odd making an appearance without Patrick, or Kate, or Sumi, or Leary, or somebody from TechTV with me! Those days are gone, though, and I'm thrilled to be finding a new audience at KFI. And such nice people, too. Like Cathy and Bruuuuuce, shown here. They spent all four hours hanging out and helping me to feel at home. Thanks to Jim Koo and his staff at Notebookshop.com for making a great event. Thanks, too, to the KFI promotion people, Andrea, Kyra, and Ran who kept everything hopping. I look forward to doing many more events like this in the Southland!

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