Wednesday's Witticisms

- Bring your laptop the next time you go see the San Francisco Giants play. SBC is installing 121 wireless access points in SBCPark (née Pac Bell Park) making the "world's largest hotspot." It's the first major league stadium with wireless Internet access. Wi-Fi will be free this year, $7.95 per day in 2005 but by then they plan to offer instant replay and play-by-play audio.
- IBM is trying to get the judge to clear the company of any copyright infringement claims in SCO's lawsuit. Big Blue asked for declaratory judgment yesterday. The filiing drops IBM's patent infringement counterclaim. If the court complies the case is over and SCO can go bankrupt quietly.
- Bill Gates confirmed that the next version of Windows, codenamed Longhorn, won't ship until 2006. Speaking at the Gartner Spring Symposium in San Diego yesterday, Gates said, "People are speculating that we're out in 2006 sometime and that's probably valid speculation, but this is not a date-driven release."
- Meanwhile, don't expect any updates to Microsoft XBox sports titles this year. In a move seen as a move to appease EA Games, Microsoft announced that "NFL Fever," "NBA Inside Drive," "NHL Rivals," "Links," "Top Spin" and "Amped" will not be updated this Fall. EA has shunned XBox Live and analysts see this move as an attempt by Microsoft to make the economics of Live more appealing to EA.
- The music industry may publicly smear Kazaa, they're privately looking to online music sharing services for marketing information. According to the San Jose Mercury-News, labels use information from P2P services to pick singles and tailor marketing strategies.
- Buy your next Sun workstation at Wal-Mart. The mass retailer is now selling PCs running Sun Linux in addition to SuSE, Lindows, and Lycoris Linux models. Sounds like Wal-Mart is the world's largest distributor of Linux desktop systems.
- A former Harvard professor who allegedly bilked students and colleagues out of $600,000 to build a phony SARS research institute in China was himself scammed. He told police he "invested" all the money in a Nigerian business offer that promised a $50 million profit.
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