What's a Segway?

About 80 pounds. Bad joke.
Monday on TechLive I'm going to spend an hour with Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway HT, that amazing new scooter that was known as Ginger or "it" until its debut last week.
Over the past couple of decades I've interviewed many of my heroes, from Walter Cronkite to Buzz Aldrin, Jimmy Stewart to John Cleese, but I've rarely been as excited about an interview as I am about this one. We're going to block off the street in front of the studios and I'll get to put the Segway through its paces. Stand back!
Steve Jobs said the Segway was the most important invention since the PC. Many believe it will revolutionize urban transportation. I personally consider Kamen the Edison of our era. I am so stoked that I'm going to get to spend an hour with him.
(LAST MINUTE UPDATE:) I spoke too soon. Kamen cancelled. Oh well. Patrick is going to the press event Monday morning so we will have some coverage on The Screen Savers Monday evening anyway.
Hey, even if Patrick's right and it's just an over-hyped motorized scooter, it's gonna be cool!
Tune in or Tivo it. 4-5p Eastern on TechTV.
Reader Comments (1)
I went on a segway tour around Rome, I felt like James Bond or something. it was thrilling but very scary that is for sure.