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I grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, only about an hour from Fenway. I was a Red Sox fan, of course, but I don't think we went to Fenway Park more than once or twice. It was really fun to go back, even though it was 95 degrees at game time - and muggy as hell.

Even the field needed cooling off. I think a lot of people were tempted to run on the field for a hose down.

Some things never change at the park. I remember these Jimmy Fund boxes from forty years ago. Money raised goes to the Dana Farber Cancer institute. Coincidentally we've got an interview with a researcher from Dana Farber coming up on Futures in Biotech.

Fenway is 94 years old - the oldest major league ball park - and it shows. There's a lot of "character" there. These steps have the veneer of 94 years of hot dog wrappers, spilled beer, and peanut shells. They smell kind of funky , too. But it's a great place to see a ball game.

By the way, Sox won, throwing a combined one hitter to beat the Royals 1-0.

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