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Bright Lights, Big City

I'm sad to say that after two years, and nearly 400 shows, my wonderful co-host, Amber MacArthur, is leaving Call for Help. -snif-

We'll tape one more round of shows this week (enough to get us through September) then she's off to CityTV where she'll be a tech reporter and host of her own show.

You can read more on her blog. Please visit and wish her the best.

Amber plans to keep producing Command-N, her video podcast, and Inside the Net, the podcast we do together for TWiT.tv and we're going to continue to work on the podcasting book together, but we'll really miss her on Call for Help. Her insight into the web has added tremendously to the show, and her unfailing energy and enthusiasm for tech inspires us all. I don't know how we can ever replace that. In so many ways she has been our Muse.

On the other hand, this is a unique opportunity for her, and we're all terrifically proud of her success. And CityTV posts almost everything online, so you'll be able to see plenty of Amber at CityTV.com

I remember telling management when we hired her that it was only a matter of time before some big network snatched her up. This is just the beginning of a wonderful career for a very smart and talented person. Bye Amber... and good luck in the big city!

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