Two New California Affiliates

More affiliates joining the Tech Guy network:
Palm Springs (KNWZ-AM 970, KNWH-AM 1250, KNWQ-AM 1140) will be airing the show live on Sundays starting in Mid-November, and San Diego (KOGO-AM 600) will start airing the Sunday show from 12p-3p at the same time.

The Tech Guy in

Reader Comments (11)
Sweet, hope we can get you on in Philadelphia soon.
Leo is the KOGO time really an hour behind the live show? Or is the a time change glitch?
Leo, congratulations! :) My Mom, her husband and my kid brother's family live in San Diego - I'll be sure to hip them to your TECH GUY goodness.
Any chance of your show showing up in Central NY where I live?
I just wish KGO carried both days instead of just Sunday. At least I get the podcast!
The more the merrier. :-)
Awesome. I love The Tech Guy -- and the more affiliates, the more other people will realize they like it, too!
Congrats again, Leo!! I live in a small town so it'll probably be awhile before I get it here! I still have the web though.
SWEET!! I've been emailing AM 600 KOGO for some time now requesting The Tech Guy be added to their lineup. Granted I can pickup AM 640 from Orange County, 600 comes in much better as I live in San Diego.
I wish St. Louis would catch on and we had it The Tech Guy here too. I listen to the show via netcast now and I wish I could hear it live and have a chance to call in maybe.
Speaking of St. Louis, I agree - Leo, you should see if KMOX (1120 AM) will broadcast you. It's pretty much the AM powerhouse in the midwest. They used to have another computer show . . . but it was stupid so they took it off the air.
Any chance for Atlanta any time soon?