Amber and I did our first test recording of the new net@nite yesterday and despite a few technical glitches I think we're ready to go back on the air together.
The new show is going to be similar to the old one with a couple of exceptions. First, it's no longer going to be live. It's just too hard to commit to recording it at the same time every week. With a little flexibility it will be easier for us to do it. I'm hoping to record and release the show on Wednesdays, moving MacBreak Weekly back to Tuesday to make room for it. I'm finding that it's better to release the topical shows on the same day as they're recorded whenever possible.
The second big change is that I'm hoping to do it as a video show. We tried recording video this week and everything fell apart, but I'm hopeful that the new iChat will make this possible. It supports the very high quality AAC-LD audio codec, the same I use for the radio, and offers video and audio recording.
Amber has retooled the content, as well. The show will still be an hour long, but divided into segments:
- Web News
- Best Tech Trick
- Best Web Idea
- Best Music Pick
- Best Web Service
- Best Video Pick
- Web Design Pick
We'll have guests on whenever we've got someone we want to talk with, but one bit we'd like to do every week is our pick for Worst Web Idea. We're hoping we can get the creators of these sites on to defend their pathetic concepts. Should make for some fun.
I'll post yesterday's run through sometime this week - it's a little rough but it's still entertaining. We hope to begin the video version the first Wednesday in November. We're just waiting for Leopard to ship. (I'm going down to Cupertino to get a briefing on it next Thursday. If I can get a copy then we'll do a test show next week.)
Watch for the new net@nite - I think you'll like it!
Reader Comments (44)
Honestly, the live part made it more interesting. This is sort of disappointing but I get that you two are stretched to thin already.
Looks like things are coming back together, I hope it sticks this time, I understand that things come up and people get busy but I'm hoping that the show will just become part of your weekly schedule. I love Net@Nite and hope it is better then ever before (but no pressure, of course).
Yeah and welcome back. Will you still just offer the show as audio, though?
Good to hear Leo, I mean personally not one of my favourite of the TWiT shows, but I do enjoy listening to it... I think the new format will be good, and as per Video... you're on the right track to growth in future for the TWiT network. It needs to get into another medium (video is the only other applicable medium than audio of course). I think it'll gain listeners/viewers as people focus more on the shows if it's something they can see and hear, and not just put in the background as they work.
I look forward to seeing the outcome.
Good to hear. I was afraid it wasn't coming back. I don't care if you miss a week here or there (neither will Steve Gibson). Welcome back guys!
I think it's good you're moving away from the live stuff. One of the things that constantly frustrated be about net@nite was how you would always say you were going to take a bunch of calls that episode then only do about 2 or 3. I remember there was one episode that was supposed to be an "all call" episode and you didn't get to the calls until about 30 minutes in. Not to mention that you never really had a format for the calls, so they were just so random (which was fun at times, but made for some strange and boring calls at other times).
Either way, can't wait to listen to you and Amber again while driving to and from classes.
Sounds good. Live is nice but your both so busy just doing it is amazing on your schedules.
Very exciting! I think video is a great way to reintroduce the show.
Completely understand and I'm looking forward to the "new" show.
However, I will really miss the live part of it. There was something about the live and lack-of-structure that really made it good. It was just kind of a sit back and hear two techies talk about what they liked the past week that really set it apart from the sometimes too formal shows.
More Leo content. Yay! This time with 'Amber'. I'm not sure I believe that's her name. Is she a performance artist?
I can selfishly say that I never listened to it live since I couldn't. I am so HAPPY that the podcases will be back! I like hearing you two together! Woo hoo!
Yes! Thank you Leo and Amber. You made a lot of fans happy.
The live concept was cool, but the audio quality was terrible. I unsubscribed from net@nite because I could barley understand what anyone was saying! I do hope the new format works well and keeps the original spirit of the show intact.
Great news, Hopefully, the new format will allow Amber and yourself to continue doing the show for a long time!!
Thank you, Thank you, Amber & Leo!
I'm looking forward to the new episodes! But I hope you'll continue to provide an audio-only version (my iPod won't play video).
good to see you are comming back you should do more videos wolcom back
Sounds like a good refresh - keep the good, toss what wasn't working or adding much. Plus making things easier for you - that's important!
Being live doesn't make that much sense in this age where we time-shift everything to listen to when we want. So it all sounds good and I'm looking forward to it!
[...] Yeah! net@nite is coming back. [...]
This is great news Leo, I enjoyed it being live, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter to me whether it's live or not. Just as long as I get to listen to you and Amber talk about the latest in tech.
Good Luck with the new setup, I'll be sure to listen.
Well, TalkShoe was fun while it lasted....
Can't wait to hear the new show (format)! :)
Great you are back--but you can't move MacBreak--Steve just posted his letter about iPhone apps on Wednesday. I know it's because he wanted you guys to see it and talk about it on Thurs!!
Does this mean you won't be putting out the audio feed on this show anymore? I really hope you do. My computer's too old and slow to watch video on, and I'd hate to miss this show.
Awesome news, Leo!
Looking forward to the new Net@Nite format.
Best of luck!
I really miss Amber's web workshops. I wouldn't mind seeing that as part of net@nite. By the way, is the show name going to change again?
For someone living in the UK, midnight on Sunday wasn't a time I was going to online that often. Pre-recording the show makes no difference to me.
Just as long as you two have fun and it comes through it'll be great