Do you realize that you uploaded the full 1600x1200 image and anyone can see it by clicking "view image"? Don't get me wrong; you look... great... Let's just say that it wouldn't be a pic your PR person would have posted, if you had one.
PS; Congrats on the weight, pretty good for a geek!
be careful! don't want to blow anything out right before christmas, and your trip. . . Thought about running for governor? a step up from mayor of leoville.
Reader Comments (16)
Uhhh... Leo?
Do you realize that you uploaded the full 1600x1200 image and anyone can see it by clicking "view image"? Don't get me wrong; you look... great... Let's just say that it wouldn't be a pic your PR person would have posted, if you had one.
PS; Congrats on the weight, pretty good for a geek!
Go Leo! Soon you can change your last name to Laportzenegger.
be careful! don't want to blow anything out right before christmas, and your trip. . .
Thought about running for governor? a step up from mayor of leoville.
LOL! Love the pic.
I can barely bench 90... I'm pathetic... I need to start going to the gym more, all I do now is run... I'm pathetic
I think I just found myself a new desktop background
'Way to go, Leo!
Your a beast Leo!
I wonder if that image will make it to Wikipedia.
Leo, be careful with your uploads... specifically the pixel sizes of them.
175 pounds, thats one big hamburger ol
Leo is here to "PUMP YOU UP!"
I need a work out also,I'm week! i can barely lift 10 lbs LoL. ;p
Hi leo. I noticed in your Tech Guy show notes for today she got my website wrong. She spelled it insani-T instead of insani-tea.
Nice work if only I had that motivation LEO THE HULK!!!
long time fan leo, but the snot bubble in the picture begs to be photoshoped out..........
Rock on Leo!
You gotta' do it to make it happen - and you're doing it. Congratulations and good for you!