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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2007-11-13

  • Just back from dinner with AMD's Hector Ruiz, John Markoff and other luminaries. Stunned to learn AMD CAO Tom McCoy is "in the TWiT Army!" #
  • The Asusu EEE PC is a perfect portable Twitter machine. I'm going to have to redesign all my sites for 800x600. #
  • @uberalex The EEE is perfectly responsive. And the keyboard is usable with a little practice. The screen is small - but overall I like it! #
  • Drove into SF from Petaluma to tape MacBreak and MacBreak Dev. The Marin commute is worse than ever. Good for podcasting, bad for my BP. #
  • @barron blood pressure! #
  • @maclover I got the Asus EEE yesterday. It's pretty sweet. I'll do a review soon. Meanwhile check out Wil's. http://urltea.com/2382 #
  • Handy TV tip: don't wear green shirts to green screen shoots. Had to buy three shirts at Tommy Bahama. Had to. Honest. #

Reader Comments (5)

I found that a local bay-area computer store had two in stock and bought one. I was going to wait for the next generation (faster, bigger screen, etc.), but I couldn't resist giving it a try. I've worked with it for about 2 hours going through the various applications, trying out the camera (after enabling it), getting the WiFi set up. The keyboard is going to be a challenge for anyone who touch-types well or who has big fingers (neither of those qualities apply to me).

November 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Krewell

Whoops, I forgot one important point in my previous point - I was talking about the ASUS Eee PC. :-)

I have had a few weird things happen, like the cursor stopped working for a time, but then righted itself after I went into cursor setup. Also the voice command menu wouldn't start for me today, but worked fine yesterday. More investigation is called for.

BTW, how's Hector doing these days?

November 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Krewell

I can't comment on your twitter posts so I'll leave this here.

For quick video posts you could try this:

iMovie 08 -> iSight record video -> youtube post the video inside of iMovie -> grab the embed the link from youtube and put in in a post.

Just a thought.

November 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoshua Manor

Kevin: I was very impressed with Hector, and pleased to learn that Tom McCoy is a big fan!

Joshua: that's exactly what I did tonight. Works great. Thanks!

November 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLeo

Any news on when MacBreak Dev will show up?

June 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Gilmore

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