
I've been looking for the best way to put video into this blog. I was hoping for some sort of Flash capture built-into Wordpress that would let me host the videos here (as I've mentioned before I like the idea of keeping all my content locally just in case), but all the plug-ins I can find host somewhere else. With that the case it seems easiest to use iMovie to record the video then use it post it directly to YouTube. I guess Google will be around as long as I will anyway. Then I can embed the video here. That's what I did below.
It takes a while for YouTube to digest the video, but at least I get the embed code right away. Of course I need something to say, too, but maybe as I get used to the idea of video blogging I'll find my voice.
Reader Comments (39)
never knew talking about absolutely nothing could be so entertaining lol (and yes, I almost did laugh out loud).
Go Zune!
Ooh vlogging from Leo.
Thumbs up from me! :-)
Hah! It's humbling to see the master of audio broadcasting stumbling for words on video. I guess that's what happens to anybody when they're not sure what they're supposed to say.
A nice glimpse into "everyday Leo" life perhaps...
LOL!! Oblivion has that effect on everyone I think, keep up the good work I watch the lab on Tech TV everday been a fan since the screen savers, good to here some familiar voices on twit from time to time.
Great job, Leo! :D
Hi Leo, I believe You Tube actually has a function where you can use the built-in camera on your iMac or MacBook/~Pro to record directly onto You Tube--no iMovie needed!
Leo, Hank is a riot. I don't know what it is but he makes me laugh. I'm thinking maybe a career in stand up comedy. A father and son comedy act, that's it. yeah!!
"No I killed a dog I thought it was a wolf"...? Too freakin' funny.
Like an older, more confused Ze Frank ;)
Leo, Loved the Eyes! They spoke louder than words. And I did Laugh out loud. Of course if you were trying to get henry involved and he was sans-pants, you could have always threatened to put him on camera. Those dang kids and their games. Don't they know we need more computer scientists.
So, Leo, had Henry already killed you off in that game? And were you just killing time trying to distract him until you could rejoin the game? :)
Big smiles - this is a new format for you - but I was a little taken aback by you having nothing to say - I mean what is the world coming to if Leo Laporte has nothing to say... But you know, in a strange sort of way, the format works; tight head shot, furtive eyes, Henry off camera with the message.
Keep up the good work my friend; and Henry, start a new game and let your dad play too!
A speechless Leo, never thought I'd see the day. I guess it's time to use the mac as a teleprompter.
I have a plug-in called WP-FLV, but I don't think it will convert a video to an FLV since I have to go through a different step with Dreamhost to do that.
Hey Leo!
Youtube is getting better with the 1 gb uploads and "HD streaming" coming soon. The integration with iMovie is definitely easy to use.
You think you're going to finally 'find your voice' after 20 years of broadcasting, Leo? lol
Good luck with that : )
Wow I just heard you on net@nite and It was just ridiculous. Your calling Comic book fans mouthbreathers and nerds!? I hope you realize your entire career is playing a nerd on T.V. Leo. Comic books are actually a creative and vibrant medium with a wide spectrum of diverse content. It is one of the true North American art forms and is home to a vast array of creative writers and artists whose talent is clearly beyond your capacity to appreciate. Whether completely uninformed or intentionally condescending your comments have convinced me I no longer wish to support your programming; and as such I have unsubscribed from all twit podcasts. I know it's just one listener, however I can only vote with my feet.
Nice... videos are always funny... but those eyes... hahahha
Love the whole vlogging thing might do it on my blog nice work LEO...JS
Is there a way that you can mark your posts that a video is inserted? Youtube doesn't add their videos into the feeds, and there isn't a big white space in a post where a video would be obviously missing when reading your posts from the feeds. I'd hate to miss a video for not clicking through to read the original post.
Hey leo - short for words?! I'd never had thought!
I use
wordpress plugins for adding my own .flv videos. Its pretty easy, make the video in imovie, export as something then convert to .flv using a free converter, ftp to server and then just use a code like [flv:filename.flv] in your post and its done.
I agree, i like having everything local, also my own made flv looks alot better than youtube.
Love the eyes Leo! Had to laugh at the Zune two thumbs up! Great review!!
Video host Revver is good, but you have to get paid for ads.
I think the video quality stays higher on Revver than YouTube. I suppose that's because they have advertisements in it at the end, but like I said, you get paid for them and you get higher quality video.
I left a comment on your YouTube video at too by the way!
Funny video!!!
Did you every check out Podpress it has a built in flash player for windows media, quicktime and flash.
obviously, i like it.
Oddly enough, I just randomly decided to try video blogging last night too. I just used iMovie to up directly to youtube. I haven't embedded it yet because I'm trying to figure out the best way to automate this process. I'd rather host them myself. I'll poke through the links in the comments.
@comment 15. Way to go dude, people like you are the reason most of us comic fanboys get a bad name, Mouth breather.