Caution: Man Working

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, and it's getting crazier.
I just got back from New Haven where I was serving on a Yale University advisory committee working on a strategy for online distribution. This week Yale announced that it's putting seven courses online complete with lectures (video and audio), transcripts, problem sets, and solutions, but that's just the beginning. Yale is committed to offering free access to many of its assets. Bravo!
It's a great honor to be asked to help with this task along with luminaries (and fellow Yalies) like David Pogue, Mitch Kapor, Real Networks' Rob Glaser, EA's Bing Gordon, and my '77 classmate Donna Dubinsky of Claris, Palm, Handspring, and Numenta.
While at Yale I did my radio show from its beautiful CMI2 broadcast center. Thanks to Paul Lawrence and his team for hosting me. And to Yale's associate secretary, Stephanie Schwartz, for smoothing my way in New Haven.
Spending five days in Connecticut means I have to jam three weeks of podcast production into three days, because next week I head to Vancouver to tape 15 more Lab with Leo episodes. Then I come back to do the radio show the following weekend.
Christmas Eve, Jennifer, Abby, Henry and I are flying to Rhode Island for Christmas with my mom and sister. Two days later we fly to Egypt to see the Pyramids. This has been a dream of mine for years and is literally the trip of a lifetime. We'll be gone and completely out of touch until January 7. I think our hotel has Internet access, however, so I'll try to post pictures and video from the trip as we go.
This crazy schedule is already impacting some of the shows.
I am also working on a redesign of the blog and The new design will merge them both. It's based on the very nice Revolution theme by Brian Gardner that makes Wordpress as suitable for a magazine style site as a blog. I'll probably put the new sites up in the next day or two and will be tweaking them until I leave. Please pardon the construction dust.
One thing the new design will do is move my Twitter Tweets out of the main blog. (All together now... Yay!) They'll still be here, but they won't fill the page with 140 character drivel.
It will also put the blog back into the main Leoville site where it belongs. You can still go to, but will work, too.
Finally, has posted my Blogworld keynote address from last month on Brightcove. Six Apart's Anil Dash begins the talk with a survey of Google's Open Social platform; I start around 15 minutes in.
As we wrap up 2007 I want to take a moment to thank you. This year has been a watershed for me both personally and professionally, and none of it could have happened without the love and support of my family. That means Jennifer, Abby, and Henry, of course, but it also means you, my extended family.
I have so very many friends, those with whom I create the shows, and those of you who watch, listen, and collaborate. None of this could have happened without your encouragement and support. Thanks so very much.
Happy holidays. I hope you find your heart's desire in 2008. Thanks to you, I already have.

- Because I was in New Haven doing the radio show last weekend, I don't have a recording of the audio. That means there will be no Tech Guy netcast for December 8 and 9. Sorry.
- As you may have noticed, there was no TWiT this week, but we'll do two more this year on December 17 and 24 (if I can get a cast together).
- The other news-based shows, MacBreak Weekly and Windows Weekly - will slow down, too. We should have new shows next week, but then it's two weeks off. Both shows will be back the week of January 6 and watch for special Macworld Expo coverage the week of January 14 on MacBreak Weekly.
- We're taking this week off on The Daily Giz Wiz but we'll have all new shows through the rest of the holiday season.
- There'll be a new net@nite this week, but then we're taking the rest of the year off. We'll return January 9.

Reader Comments (35)
Leo, I'm really excited for your new show. Hope you have a great holiday! Your really an inspiration to us all!
Any chance there is a video of the keynote in downloadable form? Preferably MP4.
Have an awesome trip in Egypt. Sounds like a great place to fire off some photos with a Canon 5D (Jealous!)
What a wonderful update Leo, have a well deserved vacation with your family. Rest up now, for Macworld 2008 will be a memorable one for sure! BTW, you and Dvorak have come a long way since Silicon Spin!
Leo, thank you for the update! We love your shows, but we love you even more. So don't work too much and try te get rest at least from time to time.
Merry merry hollidays to you and your family!
Glad to hear from you Leo. Hope you have fun back East and in Egypt with your family! Please share with us some of your pictures and some cool SD5 video is possible.
For those that would like to listen to the Tech Guy show from last weekend while Leo was at Yale, you can download the radio version from the website (from the On Demand tab at the top).
Happy holiday's to everyone!
"That means there will be no Tech Guy netcast for December 8 and 9." I will go through withdrawals :-( Guess I better work on getting a life!
Starting off with announcing fewer podcasts over the coming weeks was annoying, but you skillfully twisted it with a feel-good ending. Happy Holidays Leo.
Have a great time in Egypt Leo, I agree, it would be the vacation of a lifetime. Thanks also to you (and the family) for all of your hard work you put into your podcasts and shows as well. You inspired me to do my own podcast. Cheers to a more successful, fulfilling and entertaining 2008!
Have loads of fun on your trip Leo! :P
Thanks for letting us know the schedule for the upcoming holiday season. Enjoy the Holidays with your family and friends. Have great & safe trip to and from Egypt(pictures whenever possible?.)
Happy Holidays, and enjoy a Safe New Year to all of the listeners and to all of the people who help make TWIT. tv one of the best netcast website on Earth!
Leo: Thanks so much for all you do. Please, take the holidays off... don't push yourself too hard. If you don't get a TWiT or some other show together, yes I'll be disappointed but just as I did last week I'll be happy to know that's one less thing you have to deal with over the holidays. I really enjoy all the effort you put into all of this throughout the year, you deserve some time off. Seriously man, take it easy for a change...
... a big hug to you, and to your family for sharing you with us. Enjoy your trip and have a wonderful Christmas a New Year!
Try not to worry about the netcasts over the holidays, let Dane worry about them. :-) Enjoy the holidays with you friends and family. Lord knows even you deserve a real vacation!
Merry Christmas, Leo, to you and your family!
Hi Leo!
Thanks for the update of your travel plans. I have a great friend who has traveled many times to Egypt, primarily authoring books on the great Giza Pyramid. I hope you have some great photo's and video to share. You, yourself, are just an amazing and wonderful story. While we like to respect the privacy of your family and activities, thank you for the short peeks into your world. Safe travels on your journey. You really help the journey for many of us in technology - that makes it easier for me to help others as well (which in my mind, is really important)!
Merry Christmas
(Fan since the ZDTV days ;-) )
Thank you, Leo, for the update, the warm holiday wishes, and the "thank you" to all of us. But, of course, our thanks go to you, for being our truly great teacher who provides us with so much information, guidance and entertainment throughout the year. We appreciate you perhaps more than you realize. Have a wonderful trip and say hi to the Sphinx for us!
I really enjoyed your Blogworld Keynote speech. Many of the points you rasied are just as applicable to everyday life as they are to bloggers and podcasters. Looking forward to all the knowledge and conversations that you will bring us next year. Thanks!
The broadcasts for 12/8 and 12/9 are on the KFI640 on demand web site.
Have a great vacation Leo.
Correct link for InBusinessTV is
Impressive group of Yalies you belong to. It's a shame you couldn't get them together for a TWiT, it could have been an interesting group.
Enjoy your Christmas and have a happy and healthy New Year.
BTW, I like the new format. The Twitters were too disconnected and random, although it was like some game with these cryptic messages that somehow told a story.
I want to tell you that you're my inspiration1 I live in Poland where podcasting is not yet so big, but that's only one more reason why I'm gonna start a netcast network here. You are also the reason why I believe it's possible and that I can make it! So i thank You for the great content but mosto of all i thank You for inspiration! Have a great trip to Egypt!
Love the site redesign!
You thanked all of us for being supportive - well, thank you for making our lives richer, too. You provide us all with so much information, entertainment, and such a feeling of community, and that is worth so much! So thanks to you for doing everything that you do :-)
Hope you and your family have a happy, safe, and wonderful holiday, and we all look forward to your return!
Happy Holidays!
If we wouldn't like your work, we wouldn't be here. Thanks for the hours and hours of entertainment. Your podcasts are a delight.
Love the new site. I'm not usually a big fan of change, but this is good and yeah I think it was time :)
I've been following your work for so long now it feels like you're a friend that I never talk to. If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be where I am now. Thanks for being there! Merry Christmas.
Wonderful redesign, Leo!
Merry Christmas to you are your family.
If you are in the mood for Christmas music, check out:
Michael J. Titera
Parker, Colorado
Check out the MacMania Podcast at