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A Leoville Christmas

Behind the site redesign...

Reader Comments (4)

Leo - For the books page, can you list the last 5-10 books you have mentioned or recommended in your podcasts, plus a random group of other books you like? I'm usually in the car listening when you mention a book and it would be great to have one place to find info within a few days of the podcast.

December 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdipole

Have a great trip,and a merry Christmas Leo! see you when you get back.
happy holidays. love the new lay out. :)

December 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark,La Puente ca

Hi Leo
Thanks for doing this for all of us. Love the new design. You've put a lot of thought into it and it shows.
Enjoy your vacation. We will go stir crazy without you but that will be relieved by the fact that we know you are all having a great time. We'll whine but we will all live.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.
Darlene Morrow

December 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene

Hey Leo!
Love the new site. Just one suggestion. Each page does not have it's own RSS feed. There seems to be only one and it is the blog page. If I try to get the RSS for the Video or Appearances pages, it gives me the blog page. Can we get RSS feeds for each?

Thanks for all you do! - Will

December 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWill

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