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Be Mine

Della Fattoria Cookies TWiT is going up at one minute past midnight Monday morning (I'm holding it a little longer than usual because Dvorak revealed some news that's embargoed until then). I also have a new FLOSS Weekly and this WEEK in LAW to post this week. Monday I'll post a visit to the actual Gadget Warehouse, recorded when I was with Dick DeBartolo in Manhattan last week.

Before I left on vacation I had a great conversation with the people at Vox. I've been looking for a web backend for the new Tech Guy radio show. The wiki I'm using now just doesn't offer the social networking features I'm looking for. Thanks to Anil Dash and the folks at Six Apart I think I'm moving to Movable Type /Typepad (not sure which right now) with a new design from Apperceptive. We'll continue to use the wiki until that's done.

I'm also commissioning a theme song from the great Ashley Witt. Ash has done so many of the TWiT themes including Doin' the TWiT.

The show launches in one week - I'll have a final list of affiliates soon.

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