I've tweaked the site in a few more ways. Adding a print link, post ratings, an online user page (all from
Lester Chan), and a
mobile version that's particularly tuned to the iPhone (but works fine on other cell phones, too).
By the way, did you know you can listen to my podcasts right from this page? See that Radio Leo block to the right? Click one of the triangles. Cool, neh? That's Angsuman Chakraborty's
Taragana's Del.icio.us mp3 Player Plugin.
I did all this while watching the Niners win a squeaker on Monday Night Football while Henry "did his homework" next to me. My idea of a perfect evening.
Reader Comments (15)
Awesome Leo! I love your new WP theme. I've been looking for a new one to use for a while and this one rocks it so hard I think I'll borrow your idea & use cutline as well. I'm currently using a theme called Treacle but its not compatible with the newest version of Wordpress & I've been needing to update.
cool site keep up the good work leo
You should install the wp-openid plugin so we can use are openid accounts to post comments.
Great to see a site with all the past posts on it. Keep up the great work Leo!! I love all the netcasts. Good to listen to at work ;-) .
Good to see your blog is back. After twitter, jaiku and pownce, it has gone full circle. Thumbs Up!
New site is taking shape nicely...great place to access your fine netcast offerings!
I'll play with the OpenID plugin to see if I can get it to look right.
When are you going to post the newest radio show?
You're a madman! I really can't believe you can keep up this pace and you're an "old guy" like me. I feel like such a slacker in comparison.
BTW, the new site DOES look very nice. I like the (Mr.) clean look.
Thanks Kevin! We've got to get you back on TWiT! I just got a Crossfire system and Bioshock rocks on it!
Arthur: I'm a little behind - but that's better than being a big behind. I'll put the shows up ASAP. Probably today or tomorrow.
Love the site Leo! Nice clean look and love being able to play the podcasts on the page and love the gear.
Crossfire?! An ATI Crossfire system. Leo, how could you? I feel so betrayed :-(
(OK, so I'm being melodramatic. My gaming rig has been crippled since I upgraded the motherboard and had to rebuild the O/S and now I'm having stability problems..so Bioshock crashes on me after a short time.)
Where do come down on the Little Sister's controversy? harvest them or save them?
Save them!
Wow leo, looks like you've really customized this place! I just installed that iPhone one on my site, I don't have an iPhone (yet) though... but I'm going to assume it's working :) Anyway if you are looking for other plugins you might want to check out http://automattic.com/projects/ on the bottom is a nice list of plugins, including one that brings you to a random blog post on your site and another that highlights a search term when people come in from google or another search engine or use wordpress' built in search.
Nicely done Leo!
Out of curiousity, what other Wordpress plugins do you use? I thought you had mentioned on Macbreak Weekly that you were going to list them (or was that just the voices in my head again?).