LOL Colophon
Friday, September 14, 2007 at 11:22PM
For those who are interested I've published a colophon page for this site here, including a complete list of the plug-ins I am using.
Leoville | 14 Comments |
tagged Blogging, Leoville, Software, Technology in Blog
Reader Comments (14)
Hmm. Either I'm trying it too soon or the link to the colophon page is broken. Love the new blog look, though. I am emulating as much of it as I can for my own (with full credit to Leo, of course)!
I get a Page Not Found error. Perhaps it's not actually published yet?
"Hmmm. That's not right. The page you're looking for doesn't exist!" on
yeah getting a 404 error here too
I like your 404 page. But I'd like better to know what plugins you're using. Some of the stuff that I never thought were possible with WordPress I'm seeing on your blog.
Aw. :(
Test your links before you post!
When I first saw your title I thought to myself, "What's so funny about a Colophon?" My bad.
Thanks Leo! This is(will be) very helpful(once you get the past working).
Sorry - I forgot to publish it!
As we get older, he memory is the second thing to go. I can't remember what the first thing is.
Thanks again Leo. I also am using this theme for my newly upgraded Wordpress install(I was using 2.07 before...REALLY old) am also digging these new plugins/widgets.
Wow, this is a great idea. I'll be borrowing some of those plugins.