LOL Colophon

For those who are interested I've published a colophon page for this site here, including a complete list of the plug-ins I am using.

Technology in

Reader Comments (14)
Hmm. Either I'm trying it too soon or the link to the colophon page is broken. Love the new blog look, though. I am emulating as much of it as I can for my own (with full credit to Leo, of course)!
I get a Page Not Found error. Perhaps it's not actually published yet?
"Hmmm. That's not right. The page you're looking for doesn't exist!" on
yeah getting a 404 error here too
I like your 404 page. But I'd like better to know what plugins you're using. Some of the stuff that I never thought were possible with WordPress I'm seeing on your blog.
Aw. :(
Test your links before you post!
When I first saw your title I thought to myself, "What's so funny about a Colophon?" My bad.
Thanks Leo! This is(will be) very helpful(once you get the past working).
Sorry - I forgot to publish it!
As we get older, he memory is the second thing to go. I can't remember what the first thing is.
Thanks again Leo. I also am using this theme for my newly upgraded Wordpress install(I was using 2.07 before...REALLY old) am also digging these new plugins/widgets.
Wow, this is a great idea. I'll be borrowing some of those plugins.