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Thanks to my pal and video grunt, Craig Syverson for the masthead for this blog. Craig and I squandered three hours together in the Vancouver airport waiting for our flight home to San Fran. He had a script to write, so naturally we turned to such time wasting pursuits as trying to decipher which font the New York Times uses for its masthead. (It's hand drawn and copyrighted, but Craig found a free font, English Towne, that's a reasonable facsimile). He also helped me with resizing the front page image (he had Photoshop CS3, I only had the Pixelmator beta, which doesn't yet have a size-constrained selection tool). Laporte Road The Laporte Road title image is part of a larger photo by Chris McMullen from Cambridge, Ontario. He writes,
My family has a cottage just over the border in Quebec. We drive up Highway 63 in Northern Ontario and for years every time we pass "Laporte Road", I have said that I should take a picture and send it to you. This past weekend we where up for Labour Day and I finally remembered to stop.
His email arrived in my inbox at exactly the moment I was despairing of finding something appropriate for the blog. It's perfect! Thanks, Chris!

Reader Comments (3)

It did my heart good to hear you talk about WordPress on KFI. cool banner

Munchcast rules!

September 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter-joe

Actually Leo, you could use the NYT typeface. According to the US copyright office, typefaces can not be copyrighted (look up copyright in wikipedia). However it may be possible to copyright it.

September 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpat

just wanted to say I'm enjoying the blog. Thanks for sacrificing yet more time to us, the adoring fans.

September 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGeorgia

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