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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-01-26

  • Amazon has unprotected high-quality MP3 downloads of both System X and Dream Theater. Excellent! Buh bye iTunes. #
  • @gabrielete - btjunkies.org? How cheap are you that you'd prefer to steal from musicians whose work you like? $8.99 doesn't seem much to ask #
  • @jsnell - what kind of battery life are you getting on the Air? #
  • We're talking about making "Rack of Spam" for the Superbowl edition of Munchcast. Even better with Velveeta. #
  • It's like "colby, swiss, and cheddar, blended all togeddar" but don't call it cheese. #

Reader Comments (7)

Hey Leo,
I just finished listening to net@nite episode 42. I hear Henry wants to get into video editing as well as being a skateboarder. I was in the same boat when I was his age. Skateboarding led me into video editing because my group of friends and I wanted to make our own skate vids. My school didn't have any kind of video production equipment so I had to learn everything on my own. I eventually got the hang with it and made several videos. One of them even won a contest from 411, a leading skateboarding video magazine -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=oyyOfBNHdYA.

So I decided I wanted to be a video editor and ended up going to the Art Institute of Philadelphia to further pursue that interest and turn it into a career. While in school, I got into web design and multimedia production. Now out of school, I am a web designer at U.S.News & World Report and I love what I do.

The important thing I gained from college was not the information being presented. I found myself learning everything I know on my own from reading books, magazines, and websites. What I valued most from my college education is the people I met and networking opportunities.

Short story long, just do whatever interests you now and by the time college rolls around you will have a good idea of what career you can pursue. Thanks.

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRussell Heimlich

Leo I've loved Dream Theater since I discovered their album Images And Words. It's considered their first real album because theur first album which was previous was with a different lead singer and went nowhere fast. When James LaBrie joined(a Canadian, who still lives in Toronto, through the rest of the band is from the New York/New Jersey area). So your homework is to get Images and Words, Awake, and their incredible EP A Change Of Seasons which has them doing a 20 minute song the same name which reflects a man's(the universal use of the word man) life, and whole bunch of cool live covers like Funeral For A Friend?Love Lies Bleeding, and a Zeppelin medley.

I just saw them live in Toronto this past summer, and if you think their albums are amazing, you should see them re-create them live!!

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMikey Twit


Great to see you are rockin' out to Dream Theater! Is that the Merlin Influence? Thoughts on the band RUSH?

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthedavis2112

While I like Dream Theater and they played a lot around New York when I lived there, I started out the original prog-rock bands like (early) Genesis, ELP, ELO, Yes, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd in the 70's and b the mid-late 80's moved on to Talking Heads, Kraftwerk, and the whole 80's thing.

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Krewell

Leo, you're a Dream Theater fan?! I'd have never guessed. Been listening to them since 1994 when I picked up Images and Words and Awake on recomeendation from a fellow Rycher (Queensryche fanatic of which i'm still one). So Leo what DT album is your favorite. I've always leaned more towards their more Metal-side and become frusterated with their more Proggy side...therefore Train of Thought is by far my favorite.

January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Torretto

Dream Theater! I can't believe you listen to them - I never would have thought you listen to prog. Dream Theater is great. Disk two of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence is an AWESOME WORK OF ART!

January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZacc

Leo, I could not believe that you are a Dream Theater fan. They have been my favorite band since 1992. James LaBrie is great. You should check out TSR Project, True Symphonic Rockestra. James singing Classical songs to heavy rock beats. You should try and get their drummer, Mike Portnoy, on the show. He is the technology geek and producer of most of their albums. Rock On!

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoshua

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