Social|Median Election News
Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 11:56PM
Amber and I interview Jason Goldberg of the new social news site Social|Median on tonight's net@night (you can listen in the player to the right).
Social|Median has just launched its Election 2008 site in conjunction with the Washington Post. It's a great way to follow the election news. You can follow me there - I'm leolaporte.
Leoville | 5 Comments |
Reader Comments (5)
People should vote now. America should have a 100% voting population.
Just signed up to Socialmedian. Cool website.
- English listeners ftw!
signed up and watching with interest
It's now Feb 2009 ... Good to read past articles and see how they slant ... it's been a pleasure
Socialmedian is a great website.I am getting used to open it every time i start my computer now.