France Montage

The Animoto treatment on some of my pictures from France.
You can see the whole set on SmugMug and the highlights on Flickr.
UPDATE: The ad is gone now - and I remixed it with much better results. Each time you remix you get a different version and I find it's often worth trying it a few times for the best result.
Reader Comments (17)
All I'm getting is an Animoto ad when I click play.
Beautiful photos!
I get the same as defycreative.
Wow Leo, it looks like a great trip and vacation. You sure deserved it! I'm a little jealous of that camera :) Welcome back!
Time to replace the video, that is lame on their part I would say.
wow Leo you cost me money $$ I want to go even worse now. Someday Mary and i will get to Europe
Nice work Leo! Welcome back. Can't wait to fall behind on Podcasts again.... you make so many! ;-)
Nice work. I'm a fan of Animoto too. Your photography skills are coming along quite nicely. It encourages me to get out there with my dSLR. Cheers!
There it is!! Very nice and great music too.
Mont Saint Michael! Beautiful place. Hope you had a great vacation!
great photos, great clip! I guess I'll have to visit my neighbours (i.e. France - I live in Switzerland) again soon ;-).
Hi Leo,
It's nice to see you were so close to where I live :-) I just wish one day I'll be able to go visit the US too.
Regards from Beglium,
That looks awesome Leo, thanks for shearing. When do we get to see the Video capabilities of the 5D Mark2?
Great job as usual Leo. Very nice mix of pictures and I love the old world Charm of Europe!
great clip, very nice!
Not only do I digg Animoto, I also like disqus! Always good choices Leo, well thought through. Although, for me, Animoto sometimes isn't "lyrical" enough when using slower music. I know that the tempo of the accordion piece is "set", but, overall, the mood of both the music and the slide composition is more fluid, and so some of the slides from Animoto-ing fky by too fast (although I know they are working on other features, and later a downlandable controller client , just no plans for the software to be downloadable - then again, why, as the newer upgrade to iLife/Movie can do that)