Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-02-14

- I married the right girl. Jennifer just got an aebleskiver pan. #
- I now have 5002 friends on Facebook. Hmm. Bug or feature? You decide. #
- Incidentally, the only way you know you're at the limit on Facebook is that you click "confirm" to add a friend and nothing happens. #
- @factoryjoe yes it is #
- @drkiki <3 #
- @ambermac <3 #
- @drkiki <3 #
- @drtiki <3 #
- I only <3 Doctors #
- @CPeanutG <3 #
- @brandice <3 #
- @ CaliLewis <3 #
- @Veronica <3 #
- @mollywood <3 #
- @themacinjosh <3 #
- @steverosebush <3 #
- @RoeBoeDog <3 #
- @vincenzof <3 #
- @donreisinger It's called Valentine's Day. Ask your fiancée. #
- @drtiki <3 #
- @Veronica <3 #
- Going home early for Valentine's Day. Y'all have fun with your hearts. #


Reader Comments (2)
When I try to add you on Facebook I get the error message "Leo already has too many friends." So I guess 5000 friends should be enough for everybody.
leo, have you forgetten your noob audience like me I listen every week to twit and have cero input on daily computing info, ya great industry and breaking news but what about using ad-aware or spybot. 3dmark. sandra or any other daily usefull thing for us lowly geeks. BTW i have issues with my keyboard so please forgive the caps when not intended. Oh1 give me a fix or troubleshoot for my keyboard please1