In a recent TWIT podcast, somewhere around 127 to 129, I became greatly concerned that you guys were all intent on mass suicide by drowning. Numerous references to sinking, sinking tools and the like led me to think that you had finally lost the plot. It finally dawned upon me that you have chosen to adopt Apple's, new verb, "to sync" to replace the more commonly used verb "to synchronise". I presume that this is due either to laziness or ignorance but your support of this corruption means that our language is now less precise and that future generations will be even less able to understand each other than they are now.
Long time watcher, listener. (Back to TechTV in Las Vegas.) Anyway your twitter does not show up for me. I'm newby on twitter but the jaiku thing does not seem to be updating to twitter?
I'm up to date on TWIT casts and maccasts. My sister is a huge fan and has met you I understand. (She's in Philly I'm in Phoenix) Geez am I rambling or what.
Hey how about a random "consumer" on TWIT or MacCast you could cut Dvorac back to once a month or so....
Reader Comments (3)
In a recent TWIT podcast, somewhere around 127 to 129, I became greatly concerned that you guys were all intent on mass suicide by drowning. Numerous references to sinking, sinking tools and the like led me to think that you had finally lost the plot.
It finally dawned upon me that you have chosen to adopt Apple's, new verb, "to sync" to replace the more commonly used verb "to synchronise".
I presume that this is due either to laziness or ignorance but your support of this corruption means that our language is now less precise and that future generations will be even less able to understand each other than they are now.
Long time watcher, listener. (Back to TechTV in Las Vegas.) Anyway your twitter does not show up for me. I'm newby on twitter but the jaiku thing does not seem to be updating to twitter?
I'm up to date on TWIT casts and maccasts. My sister is a huge fan and has met you I understand. (She's in Philly I'm in Phoenix) Geez am I rambling or what.
Hey how about a random "consumer" on TWIT or MacCast you could cut Dvorac back to once a month or so....
i check out the thing and i think it cool, but i cant seem to follow your "tweet" do you have to many followers?
aloha B