« Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-02-25 | Main | We're Still Alive »

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-02-24

  • If you don't show your dark side now and then people will imagine one for you. #
  • Tag Oscar posts with #aa08 and they'll appear automatically on http://aa08.wordpress.com thanks to @swhitley @ikepigott & http://twemes.com #
  • Frank Rich on the HRC campaign FTW - "The Audacity of Hopelessness" http://snurl.com/20aq8 #
  • @adelemcalear Hi Toronto! Wish I could be there with you. PodCamps are the shizznit. Or whatever it is the kids say these days. #
  • YouTube is back up - but why were they down? #
  • Did Pakistan misroute YouTube? http://www.hescominsoon.com/archives/846 #
  • @BarbaraKB Merlin and I both have 65,535 followers. Weird. I actually have 7,078. #
  • TWiT 133 - we're getting the band back together: Jonathan Coulton, Merlin Mann, Veronica Belmont, plus groupies Ryan Block and Tom Merritt. #
  • By the way, streaming that @JonathanCoulton show right now at http://twit.tv/live #

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