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Two For One Netcasts

No net@nite this week - Amber and I couldn't work out a time to do it. You'd think for two self-employed people like us that would be easier! There are new FLOSS and FIB episodes, however, to help you make it through the night. And I promised my mom I'd blog more, so look for more posts from me soon!

Reader Comments (2)

I'ts OK Leo, I'm backed up on podcasts anyway :)

February 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Your mom is all over you too, to blog more?! Cheeezzzzz, so is mine, and most of our friends and family. @ least we still have our moms to poke us with a stick.


February 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTim Magnuson

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