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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-09

  • Recorded Munchcast and Windows Weekly - WW is uploading now. Jumping Monkeys will be pushed back to tomorrow. I just can't do any more! #
  • Jennifer scored some great stuff at the Skip Domingo Auction, including an oriental rug, hat rack, and desk. She gets Art Direction credits. #
  • Jerry Pournelle, Jason Calacanis, and Wil Harris on TWiT #135 tomorrow. Everyone else is in Austin, on the way to Austin, or leaving Austin. #
  • All systems go for the radio show from KGO SF today - full video and audio at http://twit.tv/live - chat at http://irc.dslextreme.com #
  • Scoble calls into TWiT 135 on the Zuckerberg/Lacy furor. Calacanis talks about the conspiracy to take Wikipedia public. Show's out soon. #

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