Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-11

- I think I'll have the braised rabbit for dinner. I don't think it's the one from our front yard. #
- @helene1026 Click Start->Run... and enter "msconfig" in and you can tell the OS which crappy applets not to run. Not including Windows. #
- If the ADM creates a "standard" for podcast advertising am I "required" to adhere to it? Who the hell is the ADM? #
- @stevegillmor The last thing in the world I'd want to do is to set "standards" for podcasting. On the other hand we do need a ratings std. #
- Getting ready to speak to radio executives at the Radio Ink conference. Q: Is radio dead? Discuss! #
- Just paid $3.99 a gallon for premium. Can $4/gallon gas be far off? #


Reader Comments (2)
Leo: No TechGuy Netcasts after show 434???? I'm becoming depressed !
Kyle: You can get the Tech Guy shows at KFI's web site. They are usually posted much sooner than on twit.tv and like Leo's version, are edited down to contain just the show. The only downside is the sound quality isn't as good.
The Saturday shows are at http://kfiam640.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=SATURDAY.xml and the Sunday shows are at http://kfiam640.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=SUNDAY.xml