Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-17

- We'll be catching up on the Tech Guy podcasts this week. 435 should go out today - glitch included. Sorry for the delay. #
- Wish I could filter out all the @ tweets. They tend to be useless sentence fragments and non-sequiturs. That would be a nice Twhirl feature. #
- @RickMacMerc Apparently my evil scheme is working. I get everyone else to handle my email so I don't have to. Mwahahahahah. #
- I guess my real problem is people who use Twitter like IM. Remember others read your Tweets, so pls include context when you post an @ reply #
- @jdickerson New rumor - O'bama's not muslim, he's an Irish catholic! #
- @aakelley I agree - I often add people after seeing them in an @ reply. #
- Always loved Evernote on Windows. Now there's a Mac client and web syncing is in beta. This is one to watch. #
- Time to buff the drool marks off the Macbook Air and ship it back to Apple. #
- Ah yes. Selecting "no @ replies" does seem to filter them out of clients like Twhirl as well as SMS. Just not the web page. #
- Ah well - I guess I'm just an old timer. <gabbyhayes>I remember Twitter before @</gabbyhayes>. I think of it as a broadcast ... #
- Comcast charges a lot for business service. 8Mb/1Mb with CNN is $130/month. Of course T1 is $260. Getting both for upstreaming video & Skype #
- Beats putting in a TV transmitter and tower, though. #
- Just got my Lowepro camera bags for the trip. I'm starting to get excited! Looks like I might have a review Pentax K20D to take along, too. #
- OK I admit it. I'm a slave to the nightly Webkit builds. #
Reader Comments (1)
Deja Vu, that feeling you've seen these Tweets before
Deja Vu, that feeling that ....