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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-28

  • Only one pillow will get to go to Tasmania with me. Tonight I'm auditioning the candidates. #
  • @RickMacMerc Is he having a laugh? He's having a laugh! #
  • Retweeting @drtiki (retweeting @stevegarfield ) this documentary on text adventures looks fascinating: http://tinyurl.com/23g3my #
  • I'll never regret the hours I spent exploring Colossal Cave at 300 baud on CompuServe. (Thank goodness for buddy Owen's free account!) #
  • Dear @ev: Last night I dreamed a tweet, got up to post it, then went back to bed. Do I have a problem? Signed: Prostrate in Petaluma #
  • @StephAgresta Don't do it. No matter how many followers @jasoncalacanis has, he will always have an asterisk next to his name. #
  • @timbray I like Twhirl better than Twitteriffic for two reasons: cross posting to Pownce and Jaiku, and multiple account windows. #
  • @adamengst PLUGH! but what does XYZZY do? And for ten extra points, where else might you see that term? #

Reader Comments (1)

Hey leo, noticed your tweet about a meet-up @ sydney airport. How about one somewhere in Hobart for you Tasmanian fans??????

March 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNathan

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